Robot T akhirnya berhasil mendekati Klamkabot, oleh itu Bora Ra memberikan perintah untuk melepaskan tembakan Pengikat. Setiap robot itu melepaskan satu tembakan dari sudut yang berbeda dan akhirnya Klamkabot berhasil diikat, membuat pergerakannya lambat. Karena hal itu, Klamkabot mencoba melaju ke depan dan akibatnya Klamkabot menabrak batu-batu. Robot T kemudian mengikat Klamkabot dengan cepat dan […]
Tim Tengkotak sedang berburu lingkup kekuasaan yang berkuasa bernama Klamkabot di Pulau Terapung. Klamkabot berusaha melarikan diri dari ditangkap oleh pemburu Sphere Kuasa itu. Bora Ra, yaitu kapten Tengkotak memberikan arahan kepada anteknya untuk menyerang Klamkabot. Senjata tembakan yang besar dikeluarkan oleh Gaga Naz, lalu melepaskan tembakan bertubi-tubi ke arah Klamkabot. Klamkabot berhasil menghindar dari serangan tersebut, lantas menyerang balik ke arah […]
Teman robot BoBoiBoy, Ochobot, telah diculik oleh sekelompok pemburu Sfera Kuasa makhluk asing bernama Tengkotak dengan tujuan menggunakan Ochobot untuk menemukan Klamkabot, sebuah Sfera Kuasa kuno dan berkuasa yang menyembunyikan diri di bumi. BoBoiBoy dan teman kini harus berlomba dengan waktu untuk menyelamatkan Ochobot dan mengungkapkan rahasia dibalik misteri Sfera Kuasa. Perjalanan mereka akan membawa mereka melalui petualangan yang penuh […]
Q ) How can you always win while playing Ludo Online? A ) Well, Ludo is a strategy board game and you need to come up with a winning strategy while you play. However, there are some tips and tricks that might help you win the game every time you play. Q) Is Ludo A Skill-based […]
Tips and tricks that make you win Ludo Game Online every time you play. Here are some useful tips and tricks that are sure to help you nail the game. For the love of board games, Ludo is one of the games that is popular since immemorial. Traditionally, people used to play ‘Pachisi’ which was a […]
The secret of Ludo King’s trick is in the strategy you need to set while playing with different players. The dice is random and you need to best see how to move your pawns so that you reach the home fast without getting captured. Here are the tricks: 1. At the start focus on taking […]
Ludo king is a very popular android game, it is quite an unpredictable game and very difficult to hack. But there are some tricks with those tricks you can always get a higher number of dice like 4, 5 or 6. The game has two parts safe zone and unsafe zone. Features Of Ludo King […]
Amid lockdown, people are spending their time at home cooking, grooming themselves, spending time with their families and playing games. Video games have kept people engaged during the lockdown. Most of the people are playing mobile games or board games to keep themselves engaged as they are bored at home. Ludo King is one such […]
Ludo is a modern version of the royal game of Pachisi. A Ludo game which was earlier played between Indian Kings and Queens in the ancient times. The game follows the traditional rules and has become a very popular classic board based top free android game commonly played between friends and family. Ludo King is […]
How to Play Ludo Ludo The game of Ludo originates in India as far back as 3300 BC. Easy to learn, this classic game is fun for children and adults alike. Ludo’s popularity has gone on to spawn variations such as Parcheesi and Sorry. With centuries of tradition behind Ludo, you will surely become a […]