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Brachiosaurus adalah dinosaurus besar yang memakan antara 200 dan 400 kilogram (440 dan 880 pon) tanaman setiap hari! Itu memiliki ekor yang relatif kecil dibandingkan dengan Sauropoda lainnya, mencapai sekitar 26 meter (85 kaki) panjangnya dan bahkan memiliki asteroid yang dinamai menurut namanya.
Baca terus dan nikmati semua fakta menyenangkan dan informasi menarik kami tentang Brachiosaurus.
Brachiosaurus adalah jenis dinosaurus yang dikenal sebagai Sauropoda, mereka terkenal karena mencapai ukuran yang luar biasa. Anggota lain dari keluarga Sauropoda termasuk Diplodocus dan Apatosaurus.
Nama Brachiosaurus berasal dari kata Yunani yang berarti ‘lengan’ dan ‘kadal’. Nama ini mengacu pada sifat menarik dari kaki Brachiosaurus yang lebih panjang di depan daripada belakang.
Brachiosaurus tinggal di Amerika Utara.
Fosil pertama ditemukan di Sungai Colorado di Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1900. Elmer Riggs pertama kali menggambarkan dinosaurus raksasa pada tahun 1903, menyebutnya “dinosaurus terbesar yang diketahui”.
Brachiosaurus memiliki leher panjang, kepala kecil dan ekor yang relatif pendek dibandingkan dengan Sauropoda lainnya.
Brachiosaurus berjalan dengan keempat kaki.
Berat Brachiosaurus diperkirakan antara 30 dan 45 metrik ton.
Panjang Brachiosaurus diyakini sekitar 26 meter (85 kaki).
Brachiosaurus adalah herbivora (pemakan tumbuhan), yang memakan dedaunan tinggi di atas tanah.
Diperkirakan brachiosaurus makan antara 200 dan 400 kilogram (440 dan 880 pon) tanaman setiap hari!
Baru pada tahun 1994 fosil Brachiosaurus asli yang ditemukan oleh Elmer Riggs ditampilkan di sebuah museum.
Sebuah asteroid yang ditemukan di sabuk asteroid utama Tata Surya diberi nama setelah Brachiosaurus.
Brachiosaurus ditampilkan dalam film adaptasi dari buku terkenal Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park.
Gambar Brachiosaurus:
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The Brachiosaurus was a huge dinosaur that ate between 200 and 400 kilograms (440 and 880 pounds) of plants every day! It had a relatively small tail compared to other Sauropods, reached around 26 metres (85 feet) in length and even had an asteroid named after it.
Read on and enjoy all our fun facts and interesting information about the Brachiosaurus.
The Brachiosaurus is a type of dinosaur known as a Sauropod, they are famous for reaching incredible sizes. Other members of the Sauropod family include the Diplodocus and Apatosaurus.
The name Brachiosaurus comes from Greek words meaning ‘arm’ and ‘lizard’. The name refers to the interesting nature of Brachiosaurus legs which were longer at the front than the back.
Brachiosaurus lived in North America.
The first fossils were found in the Colorado River of the United States of America in 1900. Elmer Riggs first described the giant dinosaur in 1903, calling it “the largest known dinosaur”.
The Brachiosaurus had a long neck, a small head and a relatively short tail compared to other Sauropods.
The Brachiosaurus walked on all four legs.
The weight of Brachiosaurus has been estimated between 30 and 45 metric tons.
The length of Brachiosaurus is believed to have been around 26 metres (85 feet).
The Brachiosaurus was a herbivore (plant eater), that feed on foliage high above the ground.
It is estimated that Brachiosaurus ate between 200 and 400 kilograms (440 and 880 pounds) of plants every day!
It wasn’t until 1994 that the original Brachiosaurus fossils found by Elmer Riggs were shown in a museum.
An asteroid found in the main asteroid belt of the Solar System was named after the Brachiosaurus.
Brachiosaurus featured in the movie adaptation of Michael Crichton’s well known book, Jurassic Park.
Brachiosaurus pictures:
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