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Meskipun menampilkan beberapa cakar yang tampak jahat, Velociraptor sebenarnya jauh lebih kecil daripada yang digambarkan dalam film Jurassic Park, lebih seukuran kalkun daripada manusia. Baca terus untuk mengetahui di mana fosil mereka ditemukan, tim NBA mana yang dinamai menurut nama mereka dan banyak lagi.

  • Nama Velociraptor berarti ‘perampas cepat’.

  • Velociraptor hidup pada akhir Zaman Kapur (sekitar 73 juta tahun yang lalu).

  • Velociraptor memainkan peran besar dalam film Jurassic Park tetapi sering ditampilkan secara tidak akurat. Bukannya lebih besar, dinosaurus seukuran manusia, Velociraptor seukuran Turki. Hal ini juga diyakini memiliki bulu yang tidak ditampilkan dalam penggambaran film.

  • Velociraptor dewasa dapat tumbuh hingga 2m (6,6 kaki) panjangnya, 0,5 m (1,6 kaki) tinggi di pinggul dan berat hingga 15kg (33lb).

  • Velociraptor diperkirakan telah membunuh mangsanya dengan cakar berbentuk sabit di kaki belakangnya.

  • Fosil Velociraptor pertama yang diketahui ditemukan di Gurun Gobi Mongolia pada tahun 1922.

  • Salah satu fosil dinosaurus paling terkenal yang pernah ditemukan menampilkan Velociraptor di tengah pertempuran dengan Protoceratops .

  • Tim bola basket NBA yang berbasis di Toronto, Kanada, dikenal sebagai Toronto Raptors. Baik nama dan logo tim mereka didasarkan pada dinosaurus populer.

  • gambar Velociraptor:
gambar Velociraptor
Velociraptor melawan Protoceratops

Although it featured some nasty looking claws, the Velociraptor was actually a lot smaller than it was portrayed in the movie Jurassic Park, more the size of a turkey than a human. Read on to find out where their fossils have been found, which NBA team is named after them and more.

  • The name Velociraptor means ‘swift seizer’.

  • Velociraptor lived in the late Cretaceous Period (around 73 million years ago).

  • The Velociraptor played a large role in the Jurassic Park movies but was often shown inaccurately. Rather than being a larger, human sized dinosaur, the Velociraptor was around the size of a Turkey. It is also believed to have had feathers that were not shown in the movie portrayal.

  • A fully grown Velociraptor could grow up to 2m (6.6ft) in length, 0.5m (1.6ft) in height at the hip and weigh up to 15kg (33lb).

  • The Velociraptor is thought to have killed its prey with sickle shaped claws on its rear feet.

  • The first known Velociraptor fossil was found in the Mongolian Gobi Desert in 1922.

  • One of the most famous dinosaur fossils ever found features a Velociraptor in the middle of battle with a Protoceratops.

  • The NBA basketball team based in Toronto, Canada, are known as the Toronto Raptors. Both their team name and logo are based on the popular dinosaur.

  • Velociraptor pictures:
Velociraptor picture
Velociraptor fighting Protoceratops
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